Thursday, March 6, 2008

Tricked by the sun...

Well, I started off the day early with breakfast with Pam, guest and Chris... it was a great time. When I came home I said to myself, the weather is too nice to not go down to the pond and at bare minimum, practice my casting and get the ol' rod and reel back in working condition.
So... I bundled up and headed on down to the shoeman's dock... it was windy as HELL and about 30 degrees colder than at the house... well ok 30 is an exaggeration... but trust me it was FREEEEEEZING! I stuck it out for about an hour... but found myself taking more pictures than However, although the brightness of the sun tricked me into thinking that it would be warm out there... I am happy to report that while sitting on the dock, I did feel a slight warming on my back from the sun... mind you, I said slight... but any little bit is a positive sign to me! Peace!

Monday, March 3, 2008



Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Blues... Part II

Here are some more shots... unfortunately, those damn fish are EEEEEVIL and you cant get good shot of them... so instead you get to look at pictures of us... we are just as cute.


Tonight Shug and I went blue fishing with the rents in Newport. It was a great time. Lots of fish. The weather was beautiful too. Great day... I am thankful. Enojoy! Thanks for reading... Fish On!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

They're Baccccccck!

Freshwater fishing has been put on hold for over a month now... crying shame, but life has seem to got the best of us right now, heck for the past six months. However, the big boys of "fishtober" are here, arriving slowly, one by one and well Shug got his hands on a few last night, out on the Cape, with brother Bob. Enjoy the sites!!!
Fish On!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

She did it!!!

Please read the previous post... then you will understand. :)


This post is created with much frustration... A perfect night for fishing... absolutely beautiful moon, pond like glass, plenty of bugs... I caught six fish myself... and Wookie had landed herself two or three and then she began to run into some trouble with casting, lure issues and then finally, snaggin my line and causing the biggest god foresaken tangle between our lines, that I have ever seen. After, no joke, twenty minutes I managed to get her line free from my line, untangle her lure and the nightmare of tangles on her line alone and began to work on my tangled line. Wookie takes a cast and instantly, the infamous lunker noise, glump... and in she reels the beauty you see here!!! I am so psyched for her I am screaming, ready to tip over the canoe. Little did I know that, Wookie, the big tough Wookie, would herself start to panic... refusing to touch this 4 lb 1oz fish herself, saying " Jamp, that is all you!" WHAT!!!! I said. YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO HOLD THIS FISH!!! So... there I was, holding this beautiful bass, having my picture taken, by her, with her fish. As you can see in most of the pictures I am none too thrilled... basically, because, well WHAT THE HELL!!!! ;) In honor of Wookie i cropped my face out of all the images that I coule. After a few shots by the camera and by me at Wookie... esentially degrading her Wookiehood, she agreed to hold it briefly... I had just enough time to snap a few pics of her with the fish, before she lost her mind. Regardless, good job Wookie! Congrats! It was a great fish. For all those interested, I stripped Wookie of her new fishing pole and she will now be using the Barbie fishing rod and reel package deal from Dick's, atleast until she can toughen up a bit.